Year 2010-11

1] Automated Driver Fatigue Detection System

A vision-based real-time driver fatigue detection system is proposed for increase in driver safety.  The system is tested on a hardware platform consisting of a TI OMAP 3530 chip along with other supporting peripherals.  Efficiency of the system is near 90% in standard light conditions.  >>

2] Speech Recognition Based Motion Tracker

The objective of the project is to design a speech operated motion tracker for detection of motion.  Speech recognition using Wavelet Decomposed LPC which gives 80 percent accuracy. The system captures video of a scene and moving objects using wavelet segmentations, oper ated by Speaker through speech.  >>

3] Object Class Recognition

This project defines a method to aggregate certain features in a particular class of objects into a visual dictionary. The salient aspects of the image gradient are decoded in the feature point’s neighborhood. The features are invariant to image scale and rotation, 3D viewpoint, addition of noise, and change in illumination. >>

4] Emotion Detection and Recognition using Facial Expressions and Body Gestures

This project involves the development of a bimodal emotion recognition system using facial expressions and body gestures. This analysis can be then used to rate the advertisement and to make the required changes to increase its success rate.     >>

5] Rain Rate Monitoring and Flood Prediction Model

The proposed system takes into account the rain-rate along with the topography of an area to predict possibility of floods. It is based on the fact that in case of rainfall the low-lying regions are more likely to get flooded, the water then eventually moving to the other areas. >>

6] Human Face Sensing In Distributed Database

The proposed system is embedding face sensing techniques with distributed database management concept which will make criminal or missing person identification process very fast and time efficient >>

7] Number Plate Recognition

The system uses the image of the front or rear of the vehicle, then  extracts the plate information. The system takes an image of the vehicle as input, preprocesses this image using various methods to get the number plate region. Then characters of the plate are segmented and matched with the template to give number plate as the final output.   >>

8] Video Mining

This System is an interactive application for mining object of interest in the videos. It allows the user to give video as an input and define the area of interest from the selected key frames. The system first processes the input video to extract key frames from it. The user can then dynamically select the object of interest from the desired key frame. The system then performs the mining process by matching the template with the videos.  >>